Borealis Cattery
Retired Queen

Double Gold Champion
Firecrystal Yolanda


  Firecrystal Skaukongen


  Esmeralda av Flatmark




  Black Classic Tabby and Whhite
  (NFO n 09 21)


  Firecrystal NFC: Kerry Evans


Kerry Evans of Firecrystal Cattery in WA offered me a female kitten as a mate for my stud, Firecrystal Prins Ymir, and we arranged that it would be the lovely Enya. However, in the meantime I fell in love with another of her kittens, Yolanda, and Kerry kindly let me have Yolanda for free as she was rather small. She was my darling, full of life, bouncy, very pretty and extremely affectionate; she used to jump up and down with excitement when I came home from work as she was so pleased to see me, and because of that I called her ‘Yoyo’.

She and Enya were inseparable, and when Enya had kittens, Yolanda helped her with them, but very sadly, when Yolanda had kittens of her own, she contracted a uterine infection and I lost her despite antibiotic treatment.

Enya and I still miss her dearly…

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Borealis Norwegian Forest Cats